
28 lines
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2022-02-10 21:47:57 +00:00
import secrets
from base64 import b16encode
from struct import pack
from zlib import adler32
def checksum(to_hash: str) -> str:
Base 16 string of half the adler32 checksum
adler32_hash = adler32(bytes(to_hash, "utf-8"))
return b16encode(pack("I", adler32_hash)).decode("utf-8").lower()[-4:]
def random_machine_id() -> str:
These used to be 64 hex characters. Now they have a new format.
to_hash = f"ss_m_{secrets.token_hex(11)}"
return f"{to_hash}_{checksum(to_hash)}"
def random_token() -> str:
64 hex characters.
return secrets.token_hex(32)