# Python 3 library and CLI for [SporeStack](https://sporestack.com) [.onion](http://spore64i5sofqlfz5gq2ju4msgzojjwifls7rok2cti624zyq3fcelad.onion) ## Requirements * Python 3.7-3.10 (or maybe newer) ## Installation * `pip install sporestack` * Recommended: Create a virtual environment, first. Can use `pipenv`, as well. ## Running without installing (preferred) * Make sure `pipx` is installed. * `pipx run sporestack` * Make sure you're on the latest version with `sporestack version`. ## Screenshot ![sporestack CLI screenshot](https://sporestack.com/static/sporestackv2-screenshot.png) ## Usage * `sporestack launch SomeHostname --flavor vps-1vcpu-1gb --days 7 --ssh-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub --operating-system debian-10 --currency btc` * `sporestack topup SomeHostname --days 3 --currency xmr` * `sporestack launch SomeOtherHostname --flavor vps-1vcpu-2gb --days 7 --ssh-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub --operating-system debian-11 --currency btc` * `sporestack stop SomeHostname` * `sporestack start SomeHostname` * `sporestack list` * `sporestack remove SomeHostname # If expired` * `sporestack settlement-token-generate` * `sporestack settlement-token-enable (token) --dollars 10 --currency xmr` * `sporestack settlement-token-add (token) --dollars 25 --currency btc` * `sporestack settlement-token-balance (token)` More examples on the [website](https://sporestack.com). ## Notes * You can use `--settlement-token` if you don't want to pay with QR codes all the time. * If using a .onion API endpoint, will try to use a local Tor proxy if connecting to a .onion URL. ( ## Developing * `pip install pipenv pre-commit` * `pipenv install --deploy --dev` * `pipenv run make test` (If you don't have `make`, use `almake`) * Hint: `pre-commit run` is a faster way to run some of the tests/autofixers. ## Licence [Unlicense/Public domain](LICENSE.txt)