[tool.pytest.ini_options] addopts = "--strict-markers --disable-socket" [tool.ruff] select = [ "F", # pyflakes "E", # pycodestyle errors "W", # pycodestyle warnings "I", # isort "N", # pep8-naming "RUF", # Unused noqa + more "ANN", # Type annotations "UP", # pyupgrade ] ignore = [ "ANN101", # Type annotations for self "ANN401", # Allow ANY ] unfixable = [ "F401", # Don't try to automatically remove unused imports "RUF100", # Unused noqa "F841", # Unused variable ] target-version = "py37" update-check = false [tool.coverage.report] show_missing = true [tool.coverage.run] omit = ["tests/*", "build/*"] [tool.mypy] files = "." plugins = ["pydantic.mypy"] exclude = "(build|site-packages|__pycache__)" strict = true [tool.pydantic-mypy] init_forbid_extra = true init_typed = true warn_required_dynamic_aliases = true warn_untyped_fields = true [project] name = "sporestack" authors = [ {name = "SporeStack", email="support@sporestack.com"} ] readme = "README.md" requires-python = "~=3.7" dynamic = ["version", "description"] keywords = ["bitcoin", "monero", "vps", "server"] license = {file = "LICENSE.txt"} dependencies = [ "pydantic", "httpx[socks]", "segno", "typer", "rich", ] # These will be made mandatory for v11 [project.optional-dependencies] cli = [ "segno", "typer", "rich", ] [project.urls] Homepage = "https://sporestack.com" Source = "https://git.sporestack.com/SporeStack/sporestack-python" Changelog = "https://git.sporestack.com/SporeStack/sporestack-python/src/branch/master/CHANGELOG.md" [project.scripts] sporestack = "sporestack.cli:cli" [build-system] requires = ["flit_core >=3.2,<4"] build-backend = "flit_core.buildapi"