import logging import os from time import sleep from typing import Any, Dict, Optional import requests from . import api, exceptions from .version import __version__ log = logging.getLogger(__name__) LATEST_API_VERSION = 2 CLEARNET_ENDPOINT = "" TOR_ENDPOINT = ( "http://api.spore64i5sofqlfz5gq2ju4msgzojjwifls7rok2cti624zyq3fcelad.onion" ) API_ENDPOINT = CLEARNET_ENDPOINT GET_TIMEOUT = 60 POST_TIMEOUT = 90 USE_TOR_PROXY = "auto" def _get_tor_proxy() -> str: """ This makes testing easier. """ return os.getenv("TOR_PROXY", "socks5h://") # For requests module TOR_PROXY_REQUESTS = {"http": _get_tor_proxy(), "https": _get_tor_proxy()} def _is_onion_url(url: str) -> bool: """ returns True/False depending on if a URL looks like a Tor hidden service (.onion) or not. This is designed to false as non-onion just to be on the safe-ish side, depending on your view point. It requires URLs like: http://domain.tld/, not http://domain.tld or domain.tld/. This can be optimized a lot. """ try: url_parts = url.split("/") domain = url_parts[2] tld = domain.split(".")[-1] if tld == "onion": return True except Exception: pass return False def _api_request( url: str, empty_post: bool = False, json_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, retry: bool = False, ) -> Any: headers = {"User-Agent": f"sporestack-python/{__version__}"} proxies = {} if _is_onion_url(url) is True: log.debug("Got a .onion API endpoint, using local Tor SOCKS proxy.") proxies = TOR_PROXY_REQUESTS try: if empty_post is True: request = url, timeout=POST_TIMEOUT, proxies=proxies, headers=headers ) elif json_params is None: request = requests.get( url, timeout=GET_TIMEOUT, proxies=proxies, headers=headers ) else: request = url, json=json_params, timeout=POST_TIMEOUT, proxies=proxies, headers=headers, ) except Exception as e: if retry is True: log.warning(f"Got an error, but retrying: {e}") sleep(5) # Try again. return _api_request( url, empty_post=empty_post, json_params=json_params, retry=retry, ) else: raise status_code_first_digit = request.status_code // 100 if status_code_first_digit == 2: try: return request.json() except Exception: return request.content elif status_code_first_digit == 4: log.debug("HTTP status code: {request.status_code}") raise exceptions.SporeStackUserError(request.content.decode("utf-8")) elif status_code_first_digit == 5: if retry is True: log.warning(request.content.decode("utf-8")) log.warning("Got a 500, retrying in 5 seconds...") sleep(5) # Try again if we get a 500 return _api_request( url, empty_post=empty_post, json_params=json_params, retry=retry, ) else: raise exceptions.SporeStackServerError(str(request.content)) else: # Not sure why we'd get this. request.raise_for_status() raise Exception("Stuff broke strangely. Please contact SporeStack support.") def launch( machine_id: str, days: int, currency: str, flavor: str, operating_system: str, ssh_key: str, api_endpoint: str = API_ENDPOINT, region: Optional[str] = None, token: Optional[str] = None, retry: bool = False, affiliate_token: Optional[str] = None, quote: bool = False, ) -> api.ServerLaunch.Response: request = api.ServerLaunch.Request( machine_id=machine_id, days=days, currency=currency, token=token, affiliate_token=affiliate_token, flavor=flavor, region=region, operating_system=operating_system, ssh_key=ssh_key, quote=quote, ) url = api_endpoint + api.ServerLaunch.url.format(machine_id=machine_id) response = _api_request(url=url, json_params=request.dict(), retry=retry) response_object = api.ServerLaunch.Response.parse_obj(response) assert response_object.machine_id == machine_id return response_object def topup( machine_id: str, days: int, currency: str, api_endpoint: str = API_ENDPOINT, token: Optional[str] = None, retry: bool = False, affiliate_token: Optional[str] = None, quote: bool = False, ) -> api.ServerTopup.Response: """ Topup a server. """ request = api.ServerTopup.Request( machine_id=machine_id, days=days, currency=currency, token=token, affiliate_token=affiliate_token, quote=quote, ) url = api_endpoint + api.ServerTopup.url.format(machine_id=machine_id) response = _api_request(url=url, json_params=request.dict(), retry=retry) response_object = api.ServerTopup.Response.parse_obj(response) assert response_object.machine_id == machine_id return response_object def start(machine_id: str, api_endpoint: str = API_ENDPOINT) -> None: """ Boots the server. """ url = api_endpoint + api.ServerStart.url.format(machine_id=machine_id) _api_request(url, empty_post=True) def stop(machine_id: str, api_endpoint: str = API_ENDPOINT) -> None: """ Powers off the server. """ url = api_endpoint + api.ServerStop.url.format(machine_id=machine_id) _api_request(url, empty_post=True) def delete(machine_id: str, api_endpoint: str = API_ENDPOINT) -> None: """ Deletes the server. """ url = api_endpoint + api.ServerDelete.url.format(machine_id=machine_id) _api_request(url, empty_post=True) def rebuild(machine_id: str, api_endpoint: str = API_ENDPOINT) -> None: """ Rebuilds the server with the operating system and SSH key set at launch time. Deletes all of the data on the server! """ url = api_endpoint + api.ServerRebuild.url.format(machine_id=machine_id) _api_request(url, empty_post=True) def info(machine_id: str, api_endpoint: str = API_ENDPOINT) -> api.ServerInfo.Response: """ Returns info about the server. """ url = api_endpoint + api.ServerInfo.url.format(machine_id=machine_id) response = _api_request(url) response_object = api.ServerInfo.Response.parse_obj(response) assert response_object.machine_id == machine_id return response_object def token_add( token: str, dollars: int, currency: str, api_endpoint: str = API_ENDPOINT, retry: bool = False, ) -> api.TokenAdd.Response: request = api.TokenAdd.Request(dollars=dollars, currency=currency) url = api_endpoint + api.TokenAdd.url.format(token=token) response = _api_request(url=url, json_params=request.dict(), retry=retry) response_object = api.TokenAdd.Response.parse_obj(response) assert response_object.token == token return response_object def token_balance( token: str, api_endpoint: str = API_ENDPOINT ) -> api.TokenBalance.Response: url = api_endpoint + api.TokenBalance.url.format(token=token) response = _api_request(url=url) response_object = api.TokenBalance.Response.parse_obj(response) assert response_object.token == token return response_object