# Python 3 library and CLI for [SporeStack](https://sporestack.com) [.onion](http://spore64i5sofqlfz5gq2ju4msgzojjwifls7rok2cti624zyq3fcelad.onion) [Changelog](CHANGELOG.md) ## Requirements * Python 3.8-3.11 (and likely newer) ## Installation * `pip install sporestack` (Run `pip install 'sporestack[cli]'` if you wish to use the CLI features and not just the Python library.) * Recommended: Create a virtual environment, first, and use it inside there. * Something else to consider: Installing [rich](https://github.com/Textualize/rich) (`pip install rich`) in the same virtual environment will make `--help`-style output prettier. ## Running without installing * Make sure `pipx` is installed. * `pipx run 'sporestack[cli]'` * Make sure you're on the latest stable version comparing `sporestack version` with git tags in this repository, or releases on [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/sporestack/). ## Usage * `sporestack token create --dollars 20 --currency xmr # Can use btc as well.` * `sporestack token list` * `sporestack token info` * `sporestack server launch --hostname SomeHostname --operating-system debian-11 --days 1 # Will use ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub as your SSH key, by default` (You may also want to consider passing `--region` to have a non-random region. This will use the "primary" token by default, which is the default when you run `sporestack token create`.) * `sporestack server stop --hostname SomeHostname` * `sporestack server stop --machine-id ss_m_... # Or use --machine-id to be more pedantic.` * `sporestack server start --hostname SomeHostname` * `sporestack server autorenew-enable --hostname SomeHostname` * `sporestack server autorenew-disable --hostname SomeHostname` * `sporestack server list` * `sporestack server delete --hostname SomeHostname` * `sporestack server remove --hostname SomeHostname # If expired` ## Notes * If you want to communicate with SporeStack APIs using Tor, set this environment variable: `SPORESTACK_USE_TOR_ENDPOINT=1` ## Developing * `pipenv install --deploy --dev` * `pipenv run make test` (If you don't have `make`, use `almake`) * `pipenv run make format` to format files and apply ruff fixes. ## Licence [Unlicense/Public domain](LICENSE.txt)