pipeline: python-3.7: group: test image: python:3.7-alpine commands: - pip install pipenv==2022.4.20 - pipenv install --dev --deploy - pipenv run almake test-pytest # We only test with pytest on 3.7 # More than three jobs seems to cause issues with Woodpecker? # python-3.8: # group: test # image: python:3.8-slim # commands: # - pip install pipenv==2021.11.23 # - pipenv install --dev --deploy # - pipenv run almake test # - pipenv run almake build-dist # - sha256sum dist/* python-3.9: group: test image: python:3.9-alpine commands: - pip install pipenv==2022.4.20 pre-commit==2.17.0 - pre-commit run --all-files - pipenv install --dev --deploy - pipenv run almake test - pipenv run almake build-dist - sha256sum dist/* python-3.10: group: test image: python:3.10-alpine commands: - pip install pipenv==2022.4.20 pre-commit==2.17.0 - pre-commit run --all-files - pipenv install --dev --deploy - pipenv run almake test - pipenv run almake build-dist - sha256sum dist/*